What a view Morris and the crew have at their lovely farm down in Aiken! The majority of the critters pulled into Hatchaway Bridge Farms Monday afternoon and we've gotten right into the swing of things. Pretty easy to do since we left behind snow, ice, and mud and are down here enjoying hacking for the first time in months! What a joy to not be scanning the ground for shiny icy spots lol. Our barn is absolutely lovely with lots of turn out, and yes the ponies did some kicking up of their heels Monday afternoon when they got turned out for the first time. Even Morris seems content - he has managed three days in a row to stay out past noon. I think that must set a record. I guess he really loves his winter residence! The unpacking process was pretty quick and luckily uneventful due to the expertise of Lara. She really did a fantastic job getting 2 trailers, 7 horses, and 1 rider Aiken ready! All I had to do was remember Gunsmoke. And he makes that easy because as soon as he sees even 1 suitcase he is plastered to my side, or stands directly in front of the driver-side door of the truck. Smart boy!
The riding at Hatchaway Bridge Farms is equally as nice as our barn. We have brand new jumps getting delivered tomorrow which will be fun. Holly and I enjoy changing our course every 3 or 4 days and we have lots of different needs - from horses going to Rolex (knock on wood) to hunter and dressage converts that have rarely been outside of the indoor. We have a fun little track in the woods, lots of beginner-friendly cross country jumps, and of course cleared land good for lots of circles and dressaging. Morris and I today explored a great dirt road that is about a 5 minute walk from the barn, in 10 minutes of trotting we were up and down 3 good hills and I hope he could really feel the burn! I gave myself the challenge of going into 2 point position for every incline. I dare you to try it at home. After 30 minutes of 2 point I think I got my point across to my legs and core that eventing season is back!
Looking forward to a busy week. All of the horses should be here by Sunday, so no more lazy afternoons for Lara and the crew ha ha ha. Heard rumors around the barn that we are taking some horses to Gibbes on Monday, yippee! The best playground in the whole world. Also doing a picture shoot for some horses for sale, make sure to check the Blue Clover Eventing for sale page soon for updates! Wednesday and Thursday are going to find us in Ocala with Karen whipping us into shape before our first event of the season. Next Saturday and Sunday Morris and I ship to Pine Top to run in the Intermediate division and I'm looking forward to Karen getting us tuned up to start 2011 with some good dressage and clean jumping rounds! Check back soon, with the season getting back into full swing there will be lots to keep up with!
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