Don't be fooled by the sleeping giant!! Morris is ready to spring into action, knowing that 2011 is just around the corner!
I know it has been a LONG time since I blogged, and I apologize. No good reason, actually. Lots to get caught up on and there will be more of these coming in the next few days. One of those things, the more I thought about how long it had been and how much I had to say, the more I wanted to procrastinate blogging. I'm on a roll now, though, and plan on making up for lost time.
One of the things I HAVE been doing, however, is getting excited about the 2011 spring schedule! The first Aiken HT opened on Tuesday, and even though I don't think I'm entering there I did take the time to plot and plan the calendar for the big guy. While I'm thinking about it, it's not too late to get you and/or your horse down to train with Blue Clover Eventing for the winter season. Get in touch with me ASAP for details! Please note that this is a tentative schedule, I will start full blown flat work next week and jumping 2 weeks after that. Nonetheless, I feel like once you put a plan together on paper it helps with the motivating process. On my list of things to do this weekend is contact Linda and Karen about getting to Florida for some lessons!
Hope to see you guys at any or all of these events and remember Morris loves baby carrots if you plan on visiting him at the trailer :) Wish us luck!!
2011 SPRING SCHEDULE Clifton Jade and Valerie Vizcarrondo
February 12-13 Pine Top II at Intermediate (Thomson, GA)
February 25-27 Advanced Pine Top at Advanced (Thomson, GA)
March 10-13 Red Hills International at Advanced (Tallahassee, FL)
March 25-27 Southern Pines II at Advanced (Southern Pines, NC)
April 6-10 The Fork at Advanced or CIC3* (Norwood, NC)
April 22-24 Fair Hill at CIC3* or Advanced (Elkton, MD)
May 12-15 Jersey Fresh CIC3* or Advanced (Allentown, NJ)
June 8-12 Bromont CCI3* (Bromont, Canada)